Simple Frugal Living

[icon type='fa fa-key'][/icon] This page includes tips, tricks, and guides to help you lead a simple frugal living lifestyle of minimalism and remain free from consumer debt. Check back often to get regular motivation to stay out of debt.

FREE Printable

Top 10 signs of stress during holidays with a FREE printable to reduce stress

Holiday season is just around the corner. Do you feel stressed out before and during holidays? Are you too busy to notice any signs of stress? 2020 and 2021 have been quite stressful years for most people in the world. Although, the stress affects everyone differently, this pandemic has certainly affected us all in more […]

Worried woman

The busy millennial’s guide to homemaking -10 practical Tips and FREE Printables

Homemaking is quite an interesting topic of discussion among millennials. We talk about it via Instagram and watch other women’s homemaking skills in the “clean-with-me” youtube videos. But do you wonder if these young millennials with their big homes and shiny furniture do all the cleaning they show in the videos regularly? And if they […]

Cleaning Article

Lazy Wife’s Guide to Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is all the rage! Everyone wants to get their homes sparkling clean & Tidy. It is so relaxing to see your home organized and inviting. But spring cleaning can get more cumbersome if you do not organize time for it in advance. For super-organized people, it can be a breeze up. But for […]

switch off TV

Make Money by Ditching your TV

How many times have we all said, “If only I had more time then I could get more done in my online business?” The solution is not getting more time – we all have the same amount. The key is to manage the time we do have and make it work more effectively for us. […]